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(창 35:    )우리가 일어나 (                        )로 올라가자 내 환난 날에 내게 응답하시며 내가 가는 길에서 나와 함께 하신 하나님께 내가 거기서 제단을 쌓으려 하노라 하매

Then come, let us go up to (                        ), where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone."

(창 35:    )그가 거기서 제단을 쌓고 그 곳을 (                        )이라 불렀으니 이는 그의 형의 낯을 피할 때에 하나님이 거기서 그에게 나타나셨음이더라

There he built an altar, and he called the place (                        ), because it was there that God revealed himself to him when he was fleeing from his brother.

(창 36:    )두 사람의 소유가 (                        )하여 함께 거주할 수 없음이러라 그들이 거주하는 땅이 그들의 가축으로 말미암아 그들을 용납할 수 없었더라

Their possessions were (                        ) for them to remain together; the land where they were staying could not support them both because of their livestock.

(창 37:    )요셉은 노년에 얻은 아들이므로 이스라엘이 여러 아들들보다 그를 더 사랑하므로 그를 위하여 (                        )을 지었더니

Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made (                        ) for him.

(창 37:    )자, 그를 죽여 한 구덩이에 던지고 우리가 말하기를 악한 짐승이 그를 잡아먹었다 하자 그의 (                        )이 어떻게 되는지를 우리가 볼 것이니라 하는지라

"Come now, let's kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we'll see what comes of his (                        )."

(창 38:    )유다가 이르되 무슨 담보물을 네게 주랴 그가 이르되 당신의 도장과 그 끈과 당신의 손에 있는 (                        )로 하라 유다가 그것들을 그에게 주고 그에게로 들어갔더니 그가 유다로 말미암아 임신하였더라

He said, "What pledge should I give you?" "Your seal and its cord, and (                        ) in your hand," she answered. So he gave them to her and slept with her, and she became pregnant by him.


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